By considering the vision and the mission of the university, the faculty, the department, the input from the stakeholders, the advisory board, and accreditation agencies both local and international (in this case the Washington Accord), PSTIF establishes 11 student outcomes (SO) aligned with the graduate's attributes as set by the Washington Accord as follows:
SO1 Ability to apply natural science, mathematics, and engineering fundamental theory and other relevant fields to solve complex engineering problems
SO2 Ability to identify engineering problem and employs the existing approaches, resources, and appropriate equipment to solve complex engineering problems and their activities
SO3 Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
SO4 Ability to design and conduct experiments to explore the complex engineering problem as well as to analyze and interpret data
SO5 Ability to use engineering techniques, skills, modern engineering tools and information technology for complex engineering practice
SO6 Ability to think logically to evaluate such as health, social, safety, legal, or cultural issues in the context of the recent knowledge and science in performing engineering activities
SO7 Ability to communicate effectively and confidently in performing complex engineering activities
SO8 Ability to have a role effectively as an individual and team to achieve common goals in a multidisciplinary environment.
SO9 The ability to understand ethical values and commit to the norms, responsibilities, and ethics of the engineering profession. In the context of the Indonesian society, the values and norms that are considered and accepted in engineering other than universal common humanitarian norms should also include the principles of Pancasila, local cultural values, and national interests
SO10 The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
SO11 Ability to realize the importance of lifelong learning and able to carry it out