2017 IEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture Series : Dr. David Stoppa, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Itali

06 Oktober 2017  |     Studium Generale & Kuliah Umum

Tanggal: Senin, 16 Oktober 2017
Pukul: 10.00 wib - 12.00 wib
Tempat: Ruang Sidang Lt. 3 DTETI

IEEE SSCS Indonesia Chapter kembali menyelenggarakan "2017 IEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture Series" untuk yang kedua kalinya di Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, UGM. Kuliah akan disampaikan oleh Dr. David Stoppa, Head of the Smart Optical Sensors and Interfaces research unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Itali,  yang memiliki keahlian di bidang image sensors, single-photon detectors, 3D imaging, analog IC design. Kuliah akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari, Tanggal   : Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Tempat            : Ruang Sidang Departemen Lantai 3 DTETI FT UGM

Waktu              : 10.00 - 12.00 WIB

Pembicara        : Dr. David Stoppa

Tema               : CMOS Sensors for 3D Imaging                                         

Kuliah ini terbuka untuk umum baik mahasiswa S1/S2/S3 khususnya yang memiliki tema penelitian atau ketertarikan dengan 3D imaging. Bagi yang tertarik mengikuti kuliah ini wajib mendaftarkan terlebih dahulu dengan mengisi form berikut. Karena kapasitas ruang terbatas maka peserta dibatasi maksimal 50 orang. Pendaftaran ditutup maksimal 13 Oktober 2017 atau jika kuota sudah penuh.


"3D imaging rapidly became a hot research topic in the last few years driven by the needs of emerging markets looking for next generation user-interfaces based on gestures control. Moreover, 3D vision systems offer amazing possibilities of improvement in many other areas like automotive, security and surveillance, cultural heritage preservation, ambient-assisted living, industrial control, etc., because they significantly increase the robustness of object classification with respect to conventional 2D imagers.

This DL talk will introduce participants to the exciting field of three-dimensional imaging, providing an overview about image sensor architectures capable of distance measurement. An introduction about existing 3D imaging technologies will be given, addressing the peculiarities of each measuring technique and the possible application domains. The focus is on solid-state sensor architectures as enabling technologies to improve the performance of 3D vision systems, with a particular emphasis on time-of-flight implementations.

Finally, participants will get some practical tools such as figure of merits and experimental characterizations guidelines for a comprehensive comparison of 3D imagers performances and a perspective toward the future challenges in this fast evolving field."

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