To be a universal source of innovation in the field of Information Engineering, for the benefit of the nation and humanity, imbued the nation's cultural values based on Pancasila
Vision: To be a universal source of innovation in the field of Information Engineering, for the benefit of the nation and humanity, imbued the nation's cultural values based on Pancasila.
Mission: Implementing Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi to produce competent and integrity graduates and to deliver research that can be utilized for the benefit of the nation and humanity.
Purpose: The purpose of Electrical Engineering study program is the implementation of the objectives of the Faculty of Engineering UGM as stipulated in the Renstra FT UGM 2012-2017 which can be described as follows
Vision: To be a universal source of innovation in the field of Information Engineering, for the benefit of the nation and humanity, imbued the nation's cultural values based on Pancasila.
Purpose: The purpose of Information Engineering study program is the implementation of the objectives of the Faculty of Engineering UGM as stipulated in the Renstra FT UGM 2012-2017 which can be described as follows: