Examinations will be held twice at the mid semester (midterm examination/UTS) and at the end of each semester (final examination/UAS). Students are allowed to take the examinations if they satisfied the attendance of minimal of 75% of the concerned course.
The following is a more complete explanation about Exams
Before the examination, students are expected to:
During the examination, student must bring their exam and ID card (student or resident/KTP card) to be signed and shown to the exam invigilator. Students are not allowed to take the examination if the requirements are not met.
Students must be present in the examination room on time, with 15 minutes tolerated delay. Students are not allowed to take the examination with arrival longer than the tolerated time.
Before the examination, students are expected to:
During the examination, student must bring their exam and ID card (student or resident/KTP card) to be signed and shown to the exam invigilator. Students are not allowed to take the examination if the requirements are not met.
Students must be present in the examination room on time, with 15 minutes tolerated delay. Students are not allowed to take the examination with arrival longer than the tolerated time.
This following is the template for make-up examinations request submission. All form must be printed in A4 paper, otherwise the request will not be processed.
Download File Template